
9 Warning Signs You're Drinking Too Much and What to Do Next

Seeking Advice For MyselfSeeking Advice For Another

Are You Paying Close Attention To The Warning Signs?

Identifying if you’re drinking too much can be tough, but the act of paying close attention and knowing what to do next could save your life.

Let’s start with the facts

Alcohol adversely affects health in various ways, and there’s no definitively ‘safe’ lower limit—no level of regular alcohol consumption improves health. In Australia, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) recommends that both men and women should not drink more than 10 standard drinks per week and no more than 4 standard drinks on any one day.

A standard drink in Australia is equivalent to 10 grams (12.5ml) of pure alcohol, which the average healthy adult can process in about an hour.

Here are some examples of what one standard drink looks like:

  • 100ml of wine (13.5% ABV)
  • 285ml of full-strength beer (4.8% ABV)
  • 30ml of spirits (40% ABV)

For those consuming the maximum weekly amount, guidelines advise spreading these drinks over several days and including a few alcohol-free days each week. Recent studies, such as one published in The Lancet, highlight that no amount of alcohol consumption can be deemed entirely ‘safe’. The best way to protect your health is by drinking less or not at all.


Pay close attention… 9 Warning Insights from Melbourne Eastern Private Hospital

Have you ever wondered if your drinking habits might be tipping over into dangerous territory? With the stresses of modern life, it’s easy to lean on alcohol as a coping mechanism. But how do you know when it’s becoming too much?

At Melbourne Eastern Private Hospital, we understand the complexities of alcohol dependence and its impact on your life. With a dedicated, trauma-informed approach to rehabilitation, we aim to support you through every step of your recovery journey. If you’ve been wondering whether your drinking habits are becoming problematic, here are nine warning signs to look out for, along with actionable steps you can take if you suspect you have a problem.

1. Drinking to Cope with Trauma

Warning Sign: You rely on alcohol to cope with known or feel an un-explicable need to numb emotional pain or distress.

What to Do: Recognise that alcohol is not a solution. Our trauma-informed approach at Melbourne Eastern Private Hospital helps you uncover and work through underlying traumas that may be contributing to your drinking. Through personalised therapy and support, we address the root causes of your reliance on alcohol, providing healthier coping mechanisms.

2. Increased Tolerance

Warning Sign: You need more alcohol to feel the same effects. What used to be one glass is now two or three.

What to Do: Monitor your intake. Keeping a diary of how much and how often you drink can help you understand your consumption patterns better.

3. Neglecting Responsibilities

Warning Sign: Your drinking habits are causing you to neglect work, school, or family responsibilities.

What to Do: Prioritise your responsibilities and set clear boundaries for when and how much you drink. If necessary, seek professional help to address the root cause of your neglect.

4. Drinking Alone

Warning Sign: You often find yourself drinking alone, rather than in social settings.

What to Do: Reach out to friends and family for support. Socialise without alcohol to remind yourself that you can enjoy company without a drink in hand. Our support groups can provide the encouragement you need.

5. Health Problems

Warning Sign: You experience health issues related to drinking, such as frequent hangovers, liver problems, or high blood pressure.

What to Do: Visit a healthcare professional for a full check-up and discuss your drinking habits. Follow their advice and consider cutting back or quitting entirely. 

6. Increased Risk-Taking

Warning Sign: You’re engaging in risky behaviours, like driving under the influence or unsafe sexual practices.

What to Do: Recognise the dangers of these behaviours and make a conscious effort to avoid them. Seek help from our counsellors if you struggle to stop on your own.

7. Loss of Interest in Hobbies

Warning Sign: Activities you once enjoyed no longer interest you, especially if alcohol is not involved.

What to Do: Reconnect with your hobbies and find new interests that don’t involve alcohol. This can help you rediscover joy and fulfilment outside of drinking. We offer various therapeutic activities to help you find new passions.

8. Memory Blackouts

Warning Sign: You frequently forget what happened while you were drinking.

What to Do: This is a serious sign that your drinking is out of control. Limit your intake and ensure you eat before drinking to slow alcohol absorption. Consider seeking professional help from our experienced team.

9. Concerns from Loved Ones

Warning Sign: Friends or family have expressed concern about your drinking habits.

What to Do: Listen to them. They care about your well-being. Reflect on their concerns and consider seeking support from a counsellor or a support group.

Taking the Next Step

Recognising that you might have a drinking problem is a crucial first step. Here’s what you can do next:

  1. Self-Assessment: Take an honest look at your drinking habits and their impact on your life.

  2. Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or support groups.

  3. Professional Help: Consult a healthcare professional or a therapist specialising in addiction.

  4. Set Goals: Whether it’s cutting back or quitting, set realistic and achievable goals for yourself.

  5. Healthy Lifestyle: Focus on improving your overall well-being through exercise, healthy eating, and new hobbies.

Seek Professional Counselling

Concerned About a Loved One’s Drinking? Schedule a 15-minute confidential phone assessment with our expert addiction specialists today. Receive a fully confidential evaluation of your behaviour & get advice on what to do next.

Break Free & Reclaim Your Life.


Your privacy is our priority. All assessments are completely confidential.


Our initial phone consultation is free of charge, ensuring you get the help you need  without financial stress.


Our team consists of experienced addiction specialists dedicated to helping you begin your recovery journey.

Our Success Stories

A Letter From A Recent Patient

Proof that recovery is possible

"Malvern Private Hospital quite literally saved my life, but that was just the beginning. The therapeutic programme they provided gave me a rock-solid foundation for lasting recovery from my 25 years of alcoholism. It was the most deeply challenging experience of my life, I can’t lie. But I came away with a full understanding of my addiction and the underlying trauma that drove it, and a blueprint for how to heal over time. I gained a radically altered attitude to life and a heap of tools to help me maintain my sobriety in the outside world. "

Ben B – Thriving in recovery from Alcohol Addiction

"After 16 years of a vicious addiction to multiple substances, I found that no matter how I tried to clean up I would slip back into the same cycle of scoring, petty crimes, court and then self detoxification all to no avail. After realising I wasn’t able to stop myself and my loving family was not either, we found Malvern Private on the internet. I arrived not knowing what to expect but I can honestly say the tools/education I received there was what I was missing in all my previous attempts and the experience of the staff. I am now clean from all drugs and can honestly say I have never been happier in myself. My confidence is growing, and I feel I can tackle any challenges life brings good and bad. "

Eddie 2023 Thriving in recovery from Drug Addiction

Additional Services – Melbourne Rehab

Malvern Private Hospital is Australia’s leading provider of drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation and recovery treatment programs. It is a fully accredited private hospital, with second edition National Quality in Health Care Standards and health fund endorsement.

A Private, Fully Accredited Facility

Flexible Stay Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Treatment Program

Psychiatrists, Addiction Medicine Specialists and General Practitioners will oversee your medical needs during your admission. Many comorbid or dual diagnosis psychiatric and medical conditions can thus also be treated during your admission. However, we are not a facility for treating psychiatric conditions of those who do not have addictions.

Malvern Private has an on-going relationship with industry sectors associated with the safety sensitive professions such as Medical, Nursing, Aviation and Transport to ensure their compliance with returning to the workforce. However, please speak with Assessment staff for further information by calling 03 9885 9621.

Book An Assessment

Malvern Private is Australia’s leading provider of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Recovery Treatment Programs. We are a fully accredited with second addition National Quality in Health Care Standards and are a health fund endorsed facility. As a Private Hospital, Private Health Insurance excess and gap costs vary depending on the level of cover. Our staff will give an estimate of the fees prior to admission. We have contracts with all funds and claim directly from them. The admission and referral process is initially via the phone and can be done by self-referral, family or friend, GP or by other clinicians such as psychologists and counsellors.


A Tailored Solution

A Holistic Approach

Our aim to provide a rounded program, offering not only withdrawal from drugs and alcohol, but a range of therapies and tutorials to focus on mind, body and soul, restoring optimal health. Before any person is admitted, they will undergo a pre-admission assessment by an Assessment.

This is a face to face interview and takes about an hour. Our assessment staff will discuss client history, and thoroughly brief the client on all aspects of the program so they can make an informed decision as to whether the program is suitable for their needs.

The Rehabilitation Phase

Introduction to a range of therapeutic approaches to recovery, from trained, experienced and dedicated staff.

  • Psychological interventions include 1:1 therapies and group psychotherapy sessions.
  • Abstinence based mindset
  • Individual and group counselling sessions.
  • Therapeutic listening and problem solving programs, focusing on specific situations with individually tailored strategies.
  • Art therapy.
  • Exercise: walks, yoga or relaxation sessions.
  • Intensive group therapy, sharing experiences and stories with others in recovery.
  • Healthy ways to reduce anxiety and improve sleep.
  • Real time practice in attending AA meetings, NA meetings, GA meetings and in-house meetings.
  • Formal discharge planning to increase the likelihood of success after discharge.
  • Liaison with recovery support accommodation providers where needed.
  • A separate support and education program for families.

Abstinence Based Program

Malvern Private ensure that patients are discharged free of Alcohol and Drugs, that’s why we are considered one of the best Rehabilitation Centres Melbourne has to offer. We do not prescribe maintenance doses of medication, as we believe this is a benefit to long-term success. We also firmly believe that abstinence is possible.

The Withdrawal (Detoxification) Phase

Detoxification is different for every client and the detoxification process can last for several days. We do not prescribe maintenance doses of medication. During the detoxification or withdrawal period, we utilise medications minimally.


Discharge Planning

The treating team will collaborate with the client during their stay to prepare a plan for discharge and beyond.

This discharge plan includes:

  • Attendance at the Day Program and Continuing Care Programs.
  • Continued education and support at the Family Support Program if needed, so they understand how to best support recovery.
  • Attend AA/NA/GA meetings on a regular, ongoing basis.
  • Develop a relationship with support persons such as a sponsor, counsellor or therapist.
  • Develop a crisis management plan.
  • Address urgent practical problems before discharge.

If you require community services post discharge, these will be organised prior to your discharge.

Where required and practicable, arrangements will be made for clients to go into supported accommodation post-discharge.

our Programs

Evidence-based treatments tailored to your individual needs



Your guide to a safe and positive healthcare experience.



Your guide to a safe and positive healthcare experience.



Your guide to a safe and positive healthcare experience.



Your guide to a safe and positive healthcare experience.



Your guide to a safe and positive healthcare experience.



Evidence-based treatments tailored to your individual needs



Your guide to a safe and positive healthcare experience.


Success Stories

Proof that recovery is possible

"Malvern Private Hospital quite literally saved my life, but that was just the beginning. The therapeutic programme they provided gave me a rock-solid foundation for lasting recovery from my 25 years of alcoholism. It was the most deeply challenging experience of my life, I can’t lie. But I came away with a full understanding of my addiction and the underlying trauma that drove it, and a blueprint for how to heal over time. I gained a radically altered attitude to life and a heap of tools to help me maintain my sobriety in the outside world. "

Ben B 2023
Thriving in recovery from Alcohol Addiction

"After 16 years of a vicious addiction to multiple substances, I found that no matter how I tried to clean up I would slip back into the same cycle of scoring, petty crimes, court and then self detoxification all to no avail. After realising I wasn’t able to stop myself and my loving family was not either, we found Malvern Private on the internet. I arrived not knowing what to expect but I can honestly say the tools/education I received there was what I was missing in all my previous attempts and the experience of the staff. I am now clean from all drugs and can honestly say I have never been happier in myself. My confidence is growing, and I feel I can tackle any challenges life brings good and bad. "

Eddie 2023
Thriving in recovery from Drug Addiction


5 Wilton Vale Crescent, Malvern East VIC 3145

Phone: 03 9885 9621 International: (613) 9885 9621 Fax: (613) 9885 9699

Australia Malvern Private is located in Wilton Vale Crescent, off Malvern Road between Wattletree and Darling Roads. Darling Railway Station on the Glen Waverley line is a short walk away. The hospital is easily accessible from the Monash (M1) Freeway. There is ample parking on site.Â